Are you freeing your light?





Free your light JDNM

To be or not to be? Is that your question?

What do you want to be?

Are you being?

If not, Why? What ‘s stopping you?

Today allow your self the freedom to flow like waters without a barrier. If there is a wall blocking your stream of freedom remember the cracks that paid the price for you to come through. Flow on, go on and the pillows of life brushes you into the right direction leading you into the connections of just being.

Just like the proverb, “This too shall pass” was spoken way back when so shall you be humbled when you discover the light inside your soul that appreciating it’s liberty to shine from a cocoon to a butterfly.

Be encouraged, sweep the rivers with your passions. Do it now! Do you have a story? Share it here or email

Live it up, stay on the scene and never give up on your dreams.

TyLeishia Douglass